I don’t know about you, but lately, I have felt an almost tangible shift in the energy around me. Perhaps it’s the sunshine that has finally arrived (goodbye woolly jumpers, hello maxi dresses!) or perhaps it’s because lockdown restrictions have eased and we are able to resume life with more normality than we’ve experienced in months. Whatever it is, I feel as though this positive energy is also seeping into people’s thoughts when it comes to the environment and how they can live a more sustainable life. Every time I visit the supermarket there is a new plant-based food product for me to marvel at (my new favourite is plant-based tuna…so yum!) I have recently read that Iceland have increased their plant-based meat section by 50% and they have turned down meat brands in order to do so. My local Aldi is also stepping up with ‘The Vegan Butcher,’ a section that’s dedicated to mock meat, mock seafood and ready meals such as pizza. It’s the first time I have seen plant-based products showcased so prominently in a national supermarket.
Clearly the times they are a-changing and they are changing fast! Food is big business and these supermarkets are simply following the trends of the consumer. Whether people are deciding to switch to a 100% vegan diet, or simply eating less meat and living a more flexitarian lifestyle, there is a growing demand for products that do not harm animals and the earth. It also helps that increasing scientific evidence is showing how beneficial plant-based diets can be. The myth of the malnourished vegan is fast being left behind now that so many professional athletes have chosen to go plant-based (read more here).

For me, what is truly exciting is when friends reach out and ask for advice on how to be a little more vegan. My friend Jo did exactly that when she got in touch with me about a month ago asking for recommendations on dairy-free butter. She had watched Cowspiracy after her teenage son (an aspiring vegan) recommended it and she was so moved by the film that she went on to watch The Game Changers. This became the catalyst for a complete diet overhaul and she was ready to take the plunge into veganism. By asking myself and others for advice and sharing thoughts and recipes, her journey was much easier than she could ever have imagined. It also helped that Jo gave herself permission to not be vegan from time to time. She ate the animal-based food that was currently in her house, she accepted that she may have to cheat occasionally and even though she was fully committed to the cause, she also didn’t berate herself for falling off the wagon.
In essence, she lived by her own rules and boundaries, and this gave her the power and motivation to transition easily to a plant-based life. What makes it even more impressive is that Jo is a busy single mum with three kids and she still managed to find the time and energy to make such massive changes. Learning to buy and cook food in a completely different way is incredibly daunting, particularly if you feel like you don’t have the time to do so. But all you need are a few delicious recipes under your belt and this gives you the motivation to keep going. Now for the first time ever, Jo and her kids can sit down to the same meal and all enjoy it. But the best thing? She has made her son proud because they are eating in a way that aligns with his core values.
And that is what it comes down to; living a lifestyle that reflects your moral compass. A friend recently asked me ‘Do you feel better now that you’re vegan?’ And it made me really think. Yes, there is no doubt that physically I feel better because I am consuming more vegetables than I ever have in my life (although, I still ate a relatively healthy diet before transitioning to plants). But for me, the most dramatic change is the way I feel mentally and morally. I am now in complete alignment with my values because I’m eating as ethically as I can and this brings a sense of purpose that has kept me consistently motivated.
But there is ‘no size fits all’ nor is there such a thing as ‘a perfect vegan.’ We all must live by our own rules and not be afraid to break those rules from time to time. Whether you’re militant in your desire to cut every animal product from your life, or a vegan who has no problem cooking a roast dinner for their family, there is no right and wrong; it’s all a process.
Personally, I have found it increasingly difficult to justify buying animal products (even for others to consume) which is why I had a plant-based BBQ a few weeks ago. I supplied salads, nibbles, dessert and veggie burgers and sausages and I asked anyone who wanted meat to bring their own (which most people did). I was thrilled when a couple of friends decided to try the vegan offerings instead and they loved them! They were completely sold on the moving mountains burgers (they are incredibly convincing) and I hope that this inspires them to be a little more vegan from time to time. It’s small ‘wins’ like these that convince me that people are changing and it gives me so much hope for the future.
My greatest dream is that one day this blog becomes obsolete because veganism has become mainstream and is no longer a ‘dietary choice’ or a ‘moral stance’ but simply the way we live. I know that might not be possible for the entire world but I certainly hope it is for those privileged enough to do so. Anyone lucky enough to have running water, a roof over their head and enough money to buy food can vote with their wallets and choose plants over animals, even if they just do this a few days a week. And thus, the Flexi-Vegan is born!
If you do one thing this week, check out the plant-based aisle in your supermarket. Trust me, you will discover a whole new world of delectable delicacies down there! Perhaps you could also swap out one animal product from your life (make a tikka masala with tofu or chickpeas rather than chicken, buy some oat milk for your coffee or swap the dairy ice cream for a tasty vegan alternative…you won’t notice the difference, I promise!)
There is no better time to live a plant-powered life so what are you waiting for? Jump on board the V train today! The journey is varied, the terrain unpredictable and who knows where it will take you?
If you would like to share your thoughts on this subject, I would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below or SUBSCRIBE via email so you never miss a blog post or delicious recipe again!
You have a true insight into human nature…you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make it drink!
People seem to feel threatened by vegan food but gradually I feel a ‘little by little’ change in people’s attitudes is slowly appearing…. keep up the good work.
Very true indeed! Things are definitely changing.
Great article as always Ashleigh. I love the concept of flexatariaism.
So do I! It’s very ‘doable’ indeed!