Breakie/Brunch Recipes Sweet Treats


So….breakfast just happens to be my favourite meal of the day. And there is nothing I love more on a Sunday morning than treating myself and the hubby to a late breakie/brunch. I always try to make something a little special; whether that’s an alternative to the classic English breakfast fry-up or something sweet like delicious pancakes. Today I decided to make something that I have never made before and that was CRUMPETS. 

The bar was set high as Nick LOVES crumpets. He even eats them with his beloved baked beans for lunch (he swears it is delicious). Anyway, my mum sent me a recipe that she found and so I thought I’d give it a go. The result was oh so satisfying and much more delicious than the store-bought kind. It was also incredibly easy! (But it does take an hour for the batter to sit and prove so don’t wait until you’re hangry to start making them!) 


  • This isn’t a vegan recipe so I simply replaced the milk with soy milk. But any plant-based milk would work well here! 
  • Also, I halved the recipe as it said it made 25 crumpets! However, the halved version only made six crumpets. 
  • I used deep 10cm rings that I had from baking pavlovas and I filled each up with 5 TBL batter rather than 4. The result was a perfectly sized crumpet! However, if you wanted eight crumpets stick to the original recipe 


  • Make sure the rings are well greased and I also had to use a butter knife to gently pry them away when I flipped them over. 
  • You could use egg rings instead but because these aren’t as deep you probably shouldn’t put as much batter in the ring. The result will be a flatter crumpet
  • Be patient and wait until all the bubbles have popped before flipping. Trust me, it’s worth it! 

I served them with homemade rhubarb compote, fresh strawberries, agave syrup and a dollop of homemade coconut yoghurt and they were scrum-diddly-umptious!

If you’ve tried this recipe I would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below or SUBSCRIBE via email so you never miss a delicious recipe again! 😀