Eggcellent Egg Alternatives

Eggs are such a versatile food source that at first, it may seem like finding a suitable replacement may not be possible. Well, I am here to tell you that it is! I will admit that I have a lot more exploration to do when it comes to the world of egg-free eggs but I will share with you what I have learnt so far…

Egg Replacements in Baking

Aquafaba: 3 TBL = 1 whole egg. 2 TBL = 1 Egg White. This is the liquid found in a can of no salt added chickpeas. Whenever you open up a can make sure you reserve the liquid and pop it into the fridge. If you’re not going to use it within 3 days, freeze it in ice-cube trays and then defrost before baking! That way you always have some on hand. 

Ground Flaxseed: 1 TBL + 3 TBL water= 1 whole egg. Flaxseed is incredibly good for you and full of Omega 3 and fibre so it will make your baked goods even more nutritious! Just mix the water with the flax and leave for a few minutes so that it turns into an ‘egg-like’ consistency. 

Ground Chia Seeds: 1 TBL + 3 TBL water= 1 whole egg. These are also full of Omega 3 and fibre and are so versatile! You can add them to your cereal for an extra kick of nutrients or soak whole chia seeds in plant-based milk to make a pudding. They expand in size when soaked so perfect to use when making overnight oats or other desserts. You can even use them when making jam!

Egg Replacer: These come in powdered form and are now available in many supermarkets. You just add water! Personally, I prefer using the other egg replacers but this is handy to have as a backup! 

Banana: Many recipes call for mashed banana instead of eggs. If you’re feeling confident in the kitchen, why not experiment? 

Apple Sauce: Again, some recipes (such as these baked cinnamon donuts) will add this instead of egg. 

Need to substitute egg whites? Whip up aquafaba with sugar in the same way you would when making a traditional pavlova or meringue. I kid you not, the mixture looks EXACTLY the same! You can also make macarons, chocolate mousse, lemon meringue pies…the list goes on! For some great recipes and inspiration click HERE


How about if you want eggs for breakfast? Or egg mayo on a sandwich? How do you substitute eggs in this case? Well, I will admit that I haven’t explored all the egg options out there but I have certainly tried a few with great success! And here they are:

Tofu Scramble: This took me a couple of goes to get right as there are a few different ways to make it! Some recipes call for hard tofu (the kind that’s sitting in water that you have to drain), some call for soft (silken) tofu and others use a mixture of both! Personally, my fav is silken tofu. Click HERE for the recipe:

Egg Mayonnaise: I have always loved egg mayo sandwiches or curried egg dolloped on a hot jacket potato for lunch. Luckily for me, there are alternatives to the chick kind! And here they are…

Tofu Egg Mayonnaise

Chickpea Egg Mayonnaise: Use the recipe above but instead of using tofu, add half a can of chickpeas instead. Make sure you rinse them first! Then mash them all up with a fork! 

Adjustments: You can go to town with the seasoning! Try adding garlic powder because let’s face it, everything tastes better with garlic right? Or why not add a teaspoon of curry powder for a spicier mix? (Instead of using mustard). You could even add some chopped pickles into the mix because eggs and pickles are a match made in heaven, right?! 

I do highly recommend adding Kala Namak (black salt) for that ‘eggy’ flavour. Honestly, it’s incredible! 

Tofu Quiche: Yep. You can actually make a quiche with tofu. Incredible right? There are loads of recipes out there so by all means, take a look around on google. I have only made it once but I really loved it! Click HERE for the recipe I used

It’s WAY healthier than traditional quiche (and gluten-free) and I like it because you can substitute any veggies you have. I used purple sprouting broccoli instead of spinach and leeks instead of onion.

I also made this simple and delicious almond cheese and crumbled it on top before baking.

NOTE: I bought ground almonds as it’s so much easier than grinding them up yourself!

You can also make a frittata with tofu and probably a whole range of other stuff that I haven’t yet tried. But with veganism growing, there are only going to be more and more delicious recipes out there for you to experiment with. So what are you waiting for? Get cracking! 🍳

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